Carrick's page

Hello, and welcome to my webpage here on the internet. My name is Síofra I am Irish, I am 27 years old. I work with the confusers, for a massive multinational. I like linux, wood working and big into music. I drive an old car and have a big subwoofer in it. Please find some stupid things on this website. I am fond of cats. this website breaks as soon as you load it on a mobile. you have been warned.

Hello welcome to my internet page, I hope you enjoy your stay


Ive been messing around with computers since the age of 12 or so. I build some myself. I have always had a desktop in my room

IF you had asked me a year ago, what my favourite laptop was I would have looked you dead ass in the eye and said thinkpad. That is no longer the case, I had a pretty middling expierence with one that I bought this year an i7 whatever t-380, and it was nothing but slow and I really did not much care for the style of keyboard that they went with. that being said for about a decade I did use thinkpads and I still kinda wish I had a x220 with a modern specs.

What happened to it.

at the moment though I have to make do hp elite book g8 840, which Is quite decent, apart from a mildly disapointing keyboard.

I do think its a shame that we cant have just ugly laptops with
decent keyboards anymore and the x220 was such a lovely machine

When I was like 14/15 I had a phase of being obsessed with old computers still am obsessed with the asethics and looks of old computers, but I was using a ti994a and a zx spectrum, doing lil basic programmes and playing games on them.

I think computers are one of the best things and by far the worst things to happen to us as human fleshy bags but sure look its chill as well.

this is a very informative picture

this is also very informative picture

by the way I do use linux !

Confuzer Languages i know of..


I drive a 2003 golf mk4

It's going mighty at the moment. with a cracked windscreen... I had it replaced.

I never thought I would drive a golf but I am found of the older cars.

I am not a Vee Dubber stan but I do recommend a mk4 golf if you need a car

~~~ Update as of september 2023 it has passed its NCT and is road legal another year~~~

In a year of ownership I put 20k miles on it and it only cost me an exhaust and brakes, so I think its a decent car <3

This image is accurate.


it has been two years and it is still a work in progress

Send me some eletronic Postage if you have any questions, suggestions, or to say hello Click Here Mail

I have two degrees in music technology, and like playing guitar, synth and bass. I also like programming music using programmes such as c sound.

click this yoke to check out my musics.



Not going to lie to you, this section on this website is just really an excuse to have as many photos as possible of X files more than anything else.

I first watched X files on DvD way back when, It has to be when I was 12/13 or so, But I have been watching some again recently. It's rather strange. As a literal child I did not pickup on half of the amount of chesse and just strange descions and weird plots that I am not picking up on as of now.

I think the show went on way too long for it to ever properly proper get to be a gem. But take it for what it is and what since the age of 12 I thought of it was, which is that of Scooby Doo for kids, it makes a lot more sense. and some of the weird and awkward choices are more forgiveable.

Plus I think Scully is a babe and had a massive crush on her

Still do...

I am an avid player of chess as well, click these to add me if you play online chess.


I take loads of pictures too, click the camera to follow me on instagram

I collect old lenses and I do film photography

or click this to see some photos on here instagram

some expierments with processing